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Bohemian Dates - Branding

Brand Design for Bohemian Dates™ 

Bohemian Dates™ is a new fruit product coming soon to a grocery store near you. Grown off the coast of the Dead Sea in Jordan, their various dates flavors are of the best in the world.

Akyros Art & Design Co. was approached to develop a brand that communicated a sense of modernity, a sweet, candy-like feel, & energizing qualities. If you've ever seen a date fruit, you'd know this was no easy task but gladly accepted the project.

We designed a brand that can be used in various ways & can be displayed across different packaging applications.

Date Palm Monoline Icon Design:  

Medjool Dates are a superfruit that have been a source of energy & vitality for centuries. We created an icon system as a method of communicating all of the benefits & activities that are fueled by the medjool date fruit.  

Naming is not our specialty but we were able to come up with
"Mother Nature's Candy" & "A super fruit for a super you".

 This brand & product will be energizing hard-workers, athletes, busy bodies, & sweet-tooth snackers around the world. No matter the age or diet, a date is a nutritious alternative to the endless amount of process foods, sweets, and snacks that currently dominate the American food markets. 



Will be sharing the packaged product line soon! 

Categories: Branding